If you live in a small home or apartment doesn’t mean you can’t have a dog. There are many small dogs breeds that make excellent job as pets for small homes.
Small dogs make ideal pets for apartment dwellers and those with smaller living spaces. Small dogs are also a lot easier and cheaper to look after and care for. There is less shedding, less mess, and the cost of caring for them is less.
But be carefull small dogs like exercise, it is important that you spend time with your small dog, take her for walks and ensure that she gets the best care.
Now that you and your family know yours responsabilities with a small dog. You can make your choose about the breed.
The choice will be difficult, small dog breeds make the cutest puppies.
Australian Terrier. Native to Australia, this little dog is one of the smallest working terriers. A good watchdog, this dog is smart and tough.

Bichon Frise. The bichon frise is not only a great lapdog, but the curly-coated white breed is recommended for people with allergies. The bichon frise loves attention and is very affectionate.

Skye Terriers. Skye Terriers are dogs of strong character and undying loyalty, showing unmatched devotion to their owners.

Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu are well suited as a companion dog. They are loving, playful and devoted to their owners. They are good family dogs, as they truly love people.

Dachshunds. Lively, and friendly, Dachshunds make good family dogs. They do best with older children. They make good watchdogs, barking when a stranger comes to the door.
Please feel free to suggest another breeds for small apartments.
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