What is the Ragdoll breed origin?
Ragdolls were developed in the 1960’s by Ann Baker, a cat breeder. It is thought she created the foundations of the Ragdoll breed by selecting kittens out of Josephine, a semi-feral longhaired white female Persian / Angora type, sired by several unknown male Birman-like or Burmese-like cats, one with Siamese markings.
How is the Ragdoll appearance and size?
Ragdolls are large Blue Eyed cats. They are very relaxed, huggable and affectionate. They have semi-long, soft, bunny-like, non-matting fur. Ragdolls are pointed cats with darker point color on cooler parts of the body : the ears, mask, tail and feet.
Is the Ragdoll children compatible?
Yes it is. The Ragdoll has a very kind and relaxed personality. They want to be where people are and will follow them around the place. They will come to the door when guests arrive to see what is going on and will sometimes talk to the guests in a soft voice.
What are the Ragdoll common disorders?
The Rag doll cats common diseases are Dental disease and gingivitis, Kidney Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Skin Tumors, Cancer.
Ragdoll Photo Gallery
Ragdolls were developed in the 1960’s by Ann Baker, a cat breeder. It is thought she created the foundations of the Ragdoll breed by selecting kittens out of Josephine, a semi-feral longhaired white female Persian / Angora type, sired by several unknown male Birman-like or Burmese-like cats, one with Siamese markings.
How is the Ragdoll appearance and size?
Ragdolls are large Blue Eyed cats. They are very relaxed, huggable and affectionate. They have semi-long, soft, bunny-like, non-matting fur. Ragdolls are pointed cats with darker point color on cooler parts of the body : the ears, mask, tail and feet.
Is the Ragdoll children compatible?
Yes it is. The Ragdoll has a very kind and relaxed personality. They want to be where people are and will follow them around the place. They will come to the door when guests arrive to see what is going on and will sometimes talk to the guests in a soft voice.
What are the Ragdoll common disorders?
The Rag doll cats common diseases are Dental disease and gingivitis, Kidney Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Skin Tumors, Cancer.
Ragdoll Photo Gallery
Ragdolls were formed in the 1960's by Ann Baker, a cat breeder. It is intellection she created the foundations of the Ragdoll make by selecting kittens out of Josephine, a semi-feral longhaired caucasoid human Farsi / Coney typewrite, sired by various unknowable somebody Birman-like or Burmese-like cats, one with Similar markings.Cat Bath
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